The Funniest Thing About Having Brain Surgery

Dan McGorry
2 min readMay 22, 2015

Is waking up the morning after and having your wife tell you:

Wife: Oh, by the way, you’re some sort of Twitter Celebrity now.
Me: Huh?
Wife: Yeah, that comedian that Dave knows, from Best Week Ever, found your blog and tweeted about you. All these people are leaving you messages on Twitter.
Me: Wow…that’s awesome.

After some Internet re-con, I was able to piece together that a couple of comedians came across my blog and posted some very thoughtful messages on their website and Twitter streams regarding my upcoming surgery.

Those two gentlemen are: Paul Scheer and Todd Barry.

From Paul Scheer’s website:

Todd Barry on Twitter:

Do me a favor. Send some nice thoughts to @dfxm326. He’s getting brain surgery today.

And they did. I received about thirty notes between Twitter, e-mail and Blogger from complete strangers, from around the world, wishing me good luck and sending good thoughts for the surgery.

It was pretty amazing.

I’m familiar with Paul Scheer from his very funny appearances on VH1’s Best Week Ever series that ran a few years ago. He was also brought to my attention when he taped a couple of the episodes while wearing a “Poop” t-shirt, which was designed by a good friend of ours, Dave Bowles — giving Dave some national exposure, which allowed him to sell a few extra t-shirts. Apparently, Paul likes to do nice things for people.

While I’m not as familiar with Todd Barry, the Internet and Rickey Gervais, both have some very good things to say about him and his work. His Twitter stream is very funny as is his website — check out the Receipt Museum, in particular.

So, check these guys out. Go see them perform, buy their CDs and watch their shows. Help me return their kindness.

And thank you again Paul and Todd.


Originally written in May 2010, but still thinking about it and appreciating it five years later.

