I’ve been around.

Dan McGorry
Nov 3, 2020

I remember Photoshop before it had layers.
I remember when the colors I used needed to be ‘Web Safe.’
I remember Emigre Magazine.
I remember distressed type.
I remember CMYK.
I remember when GIFs weren’t animated.
I remember Netscape.
I remember Flash.
I remember when ‘SKIP INTRO’ buttons were on websites, not Netflix.
I remember when Netflix was a mail-order DVD company.
I remember k10k. And Surfstation.
I remember when there were Architects of Information.
I remember the fold.
I remember Web 2.0. And unfortunately, all of the reflections.
I remember when PNGs didn’t exist.
I remember del.icio.us
I remember when Product Designers designed tea kettles, not user interfaces.
I remember when browsers weren’t modern.

Not everything is shiny and new like it was 25 years ago, but I’m still here. I’m proud that this year, as strange as it’s been marks a quarter-century of me clicking around the Finder—choosing the perfect font from that long scrolling list—and dragging the cursor through the rainbow to find that perfect #color.

