Be Like Mike

Dan McGorry
1 min readApr 14, 2020
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Michael Paul “Mike” Brady, a nationally known architect was an early adopter of the Work From Home movement, dating as far back as the early 1970s.

While he spent the majority of his time at the company office, he was often known to work both days and nights from his California home.

Despite having six kids, a dog and a parakeet, his commitment to his at-home work ethic was impeccable. At no point did you see him randomly sweeping their floating staircase in the middle of the day or loitering around the kitchen, snacking and chatting it up with Sam the butcher, while he delivered their meat.

On one particular occasion, his sons were literally throwing footballs and smashing glass vases in the living room. Not even that was enough to disrupt his concentration or prompt him to get up from his drawing table to investigate.

People often ask me for my advice about working from home, my answer is simple:

“Be like Mike.”

